CS508 Current FinalTerm Paper 20 August 2016
2 marks questions:
Which type of inheritance is achieved through the use of interface in JAVA?
Does C supports Boolean expression, justify?
Find the length of list L’ (D E F G I) by using list manipulation function?
What is difference b/w implicit and explicit conversion?
3 marks questions:
Separate predicate and clauses:
Man (symbol)
Brother (ahmad, chand)
Snowy(X), rainy(X), cold(X)
What is role of monitor in JAVA
Name any three control statement in PHP?
5 marks questions:
JAVA and C# commonalities?
Explain function side effect with occurs in arithmetic expression?
Write the resultant output of following function statement in LISP:
1) Intersection’( a b c ) ‘ ( b a b c )
2) Union’( c) ‘ ( a b c)
Being a programmer , you are required to identify different kind of issues and tradeoffs Face by a programmer while doing string and number inter-conversion in PHP?