CS301 Current FinalTerm Paper 22 August 2016
- How one can find the height of a binary tree? (2 marks)
- Name any two of "divide and conquer" algorithms. (2 marks)
- Why do we use Huffman encoding? (2 marks)
- How does heap sort work? (2 marks)
- Explain the working of Heap sort. (3 marks)
- A function defined with const was given. Output was required. (3 marks)
- Insertion sort is used for small lists and quick sort is used for large lists. Why? (3 marks)
- Heap tree was given to find either it's Max or Min. The tree data was required to write as an array as well. (3 marks)
- Define Collision, Linear Probing, Quadratic Probing. (5 marks)
- Data was given to make an AVL Tree. (5 marks)
- Sets were given to make Union Tree using weight rule. (5 marks)
- Expression tree was given to write Infix expression with parenthesis. (5 marks)