CS619 Final Project Introduction

Assalam o Alaikum Dear Students! 

Following are some basic information about CS619 Final Project.

CS619 Final Project Introduction
CS619 Final Project is compulsory for MCS, MIT, BSCS and BSIT degree program. Student need to develop a software by completing its different phases. After completion of all phases student need to appear for viva. After passing viva student will declare pass in project.

CS619 Final Project Duration
CS619 Final Project contains 2 consecutive semesters.
First Semester Phases
  • Test Phase 1 Assignment + Viva
  • Test Phase 2 Assignment + Viva
  • SRS Document  
Second Semester Phases
  • Design Document
  • Final Deliverable (Final coding , Final Report, Final Presentation)
  • Coding Test Viva
  • Final Viva voce Exam

CS619 Final Project Grading Scheme
Assignments = 75%
Final Viva exams= 25%

CS619 Final Project Eligibility Criteria
MCS/MIT Students must have completed 30 credit hours to become eligible for taking the final project. 
BSCS/BSIT Students must have completed 90 credit hours to become eligible for taking the final project.

CS619 Final Project Course Selection
The first step in project to select CS619 Final Project Course in course selection of current semester. VU Course Selection Link will Open on Tuesday 27 September 2016 for enrollment in semester Fall 2016. 
  • Login to LMS
  • Open Student Services Option
  • Click on Course Selection
  • Select CS619 Final Project Course 
  • Select Save Option

CS619 Final Project Title Selection
In first week of November a project list will publish in announcement of CS619 Final Project course in vulms. There will 3 or 4 projects. Details of project requirement will be given. You will have choice to chose one project from list according to your understanding. You need to develop a web based , desktop based or android based application according to requirements of selected project
Project Selection (After titles announcements of fall 2016)
  • Login to LMS
  • Click on Assignment option in CS619 Final Project Module
  • Click on Chose project option in front of project title
  • Status will change to pending
  • After few hours project supervisor will assign you project

Project Language and Database
Project Normally related to PHP + MySQL , Microsoft .Net C# + MS SQL Server, Java + MS SQL Server. You can select programming language according to your choice and chose project related to your favorite language.

CS619 Final Project Assignments
After successfully selection of project title. Its assignments will open in 2nd Week of November. There will 5 Assignments in it. 
  • Test Phase 1 Assignment
  • Test Phase 2 Assignment
  • SRS Document Assignment
  • Design Document Assignment
  • Final Deliverable Assignment

1. Test Phase 1 Assignment + Viva
Purpose of test phase 1 is to check your coding abilities. An assignment will open student need to solve assignment in selected programming language like PHP or C# or java and submit solved Assignment application in LMS. After submission a viva schedule will open , student need to answer via skype call about his/her submitted assignment in vulms. if student pass he/she will proceed to if fail he/she will appear for viva gain.

2. Test Phase 2 Assignment + Viva
Purpose of test phase 2 is to check your coding abilities. An assignment will open student need to solve assignment in selected programming language like PHP or C# or java and submit in vulms. After submission a viva schedule will open , student need to answer via skype call about his/her submitted assignment in vulms. if student pass he/she will proceed to start work on project srs , design and final phase , if student fail in viva he/she will wait for next semester. In start of next He/she will again give of test phase 2 if he/she pass viva then submit srs and design and final deliverable otherwise fail and select new project in next semester.

3. SRS Document Phase

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is the first document of project.  Student need to prepare this document and submit with in due date. There are following 6 contents in this phase. 

1. Scope (of the project)
2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements
3. Use Case Diagram
4. Usage Scenarios
5. Adopted Methodology
6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

4. Design Document Phase
Design phase is the 2nd document of project. Student need to prepare this document and submit with in due date. There are following 8 contents in this phase. 
1. Introduction of Design Document       
2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
3. Sequence Diagrams
4. Architecture Design Diagram 
5. Database Diagram
6. Class Diagram
7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases 

5. Final Deliverable
Final Deliverable contain on 3 things
i. Final Application  (Coding and Database )
ii. Final Project Report
iii. Final Project Presentation

Project Final Application Code testing Viva
After submission of Final Deliverable. A skype viva will arrange student need to run its final project application and perform functions according to project requirement. Supervisor will ask questions about programming language and different parts of application. If student pass this test then student will call for final viva in VU campus if student fail in this viva then student need to reappear for viva in next semester.

CS619 Final Project Final Viva Voce Exam
After Completing all phases of project a viva voce exam will organize in VU own campuses near to you. Student will appear in front of Viva Panel and present  project. The will ask questions from your application and presentation and also one favorite subject. After this your project will complete. If student answer more than 80% of questions will declare pass otherwise fail and will appear again in final viva in next semester.

Final Words
CS619 Final Project is totally different from regular subjects. In normal subject student can read handouts , past papers before few days of exams and pass subjects easily. But in project each phase is new and must to pass 4 vivas, if any viva fail due to any reason a semester wastes so take project seriously and start learning of programming language in which you want to do project like PHP, Java, C sharp etc. 

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