Spring 2016 semester result has been announced and published

Spring 2016 semester result has been announced and published

Published On:  Saturday, September 10, 2016
Spring 2016 semester result has been announced and published. The students may check their results on VULMS Grade Books.

1.     The Transcript of Record as well as other related certificates of all graduating (whose degree requirements are completed) students will be dispatched within 7-10 working days after Eid Holidays except those who have RL cases, Outstanding VU dues, Pending Paper Rechecking requests etc.
2.     A student who wants to get his/her paper(s) rechecked is advised to visit the Student Services section and request for Paper Rechecking on VULMS.
In case of any result related query, you may contact us by sending email to result@vu.edu.pk

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