Fall 2016
Date: 17/11/2016
Uploading instructions:
Rules for Marking:
It should be clear that your assignment
will not get any credit if:
The assignment is
submitted after due date.
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disciplinary action will be taken in this case).
Question: (15 Marks)
Suppose, we want to start an online
shopping store where customers can buy any item(s) of his/her choice from the
available items on the store using debit/credit card. The online shopping
store should provide the following features to its customers.
After placement of the order, system should
verify the debit/credit card information and deliver the item(s) to customer
after verification.
Now, you are required to identify different
processes, sub-processes (if any) and data store(s) from the given scenario
and draw context level data flow diagram and Level 1 data flow diagram for
this store.
Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then
email at
Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted
on or before 17th November 2016.