BIO201 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

BIO201 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

BIO201 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017
BIO201 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

Final paper of Bio201. 25/ 2/ 2016 Total questions. 48 = 80 marks. 40 MCq 8 question of 40 marks. 

1. Elborate the machanism of growth promoting mechanism of oncogenes. 10 marks 

2. The endopasmic Raticulum is gauided to ER by which 2 components. 2 marks 

3. How G protein involved in formation of GDP? 2 marks 

4. Eleborate the cell cycle. 10 marks. 

5. How sheep is cloned by the nuclear material. Explain it by all steps. 5 marks 

6. Write three steps of RNA processing. 3 marks. 

7. Write synapse and its steps involved in the machanism. 5 marks 8. TGF-ß Receptor Family�. 3 marks

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