CS508 Midterm Current Paper 3 jun 2017

CS508 Midterm Current Paper 3 jun 2017

CS508 Midterm Current Paper 3 jun 2017
CS508 Midterm Current Paper
Today is my CS508 Paper:

Objective bohat hi easy tha, Arslan ki past paper wali file ma 12 MCQS aya tha Moja.
Subjective Paper,

Q1: Suppose you have defined your own integer data type ranging from 0 to 1000 in ADA.if anyone else declare a variable using your data type and give value more than 1000 to the variable.Does compiler will generate an error ? if yes , the explain why ? 3 Marks

Q2: Which Data Structure maps pairs of Associated data objects in SNOBOL ? it also required to write the Syntax of Data Structure . 3 Marks

Q3: Why and when the need of Single Standard language was felt and by whom ? 5 Marks

Q4: LIPS provides many built-in and user defined functions for accessing and controlling lists. Find the resultant output of the following in LIPS ? 5 Marks
2>(+(sqt 9)6.0

Q5: Why the programmer of 1958 considered the need to develop ALGOL language when FORTRAN was already there. Explain briefly. 5 Marks

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