Opportunity to join VU Software House

Opportunity to join VU Software House

Opportunity to join VU Software House

To equip students with state of the art technology and provide an opportunity to work on real-time projects, Virtual University invites applications from Final Year students of Computer Sciences and Information Technology. VU Software House provides an opportunity where students are selected on merit base system to work under supervision of Industry Professionals for completion of Final Year projects.
VU intends to bridge Industry-Academia Gap by equipping students with state of the art technology and engaging them to work toward Minimal Viable Product (MVP) under the supervision of industry professionals. Selected students will be given vigorous training on PHP, Laravel, Drupal, .Net, Android, iOS and Software Engineering. Reviews of SRS and Design Artifacts will be followed to monitor student work on weekly basis.
Application Deadline: April 18, 2017
Eligibility Criteria:
- BSCS, BSIT, BS (Software Engineering) or MCS/M.Sc. in Computer Science students
- Student should be in a 7th semester of Bachelor Degree or 3rd semester of Master Degree.
- Effective CGPA should be 2.75 or above
- At least B grade in Introduction to Programming, Database Management System, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Analysis and Design of Algorithm
- Student should have minimum number of courses along with final year project.
Shortlisted students will be called for interview and coding session.
The interview will include Programming Concepts, OOP, DBMS, Data Structure, Analysis and Design of Algorithm, Software Engineering. Coding session will be conducted to analyze the students’ analytical, programming and coding skills.
Selection Criteria:
Average grade of interview and coding session will be considered for final selection of the students. A formal invitation will be sent to the selected students to join VU Software House.
Interview SOP
Each panel member grades the student individually by considering its various technical skills like:
• Programming Concepts
• Data Structure
• Analysis and Design of Algorithm
• Software Engineering
Coding Session:
After this interview coding session will be conducted of 45 minutes. The purpose of this session is to analyze the students’ analytical, programming/coding skills.
 Average grade of interview and coding session will be considered for final selection of the students. A formal invitation will be sent to the selected students to join VU software house.
 There will be no stipend during stay in Software House for two semester
 Selected students will have to work from 9:00 AM to 9:00PM (5 Days a Week) in VU-Software House
Interested students should send an email at Saad.chaudhry@vu.edu.pk by 18th April, 2017

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