CS609 Midterm Current Paper 21 dec 2016
MCQS 80% from Moaaz file (Thanks to him)
1. Write a statement in C to toggle the speaker between on and off.
1. Write a statement in C to toggle the speaker between on and off.
2. What is the purpose of following bits of port 64H status register?
3. What are restrictions on TSR program?
4. Discuss all the steps performed by the following C statements.
Unsigned int far * lpt = (Unsigned int far *) 0x00400008;
outport((*lpt +2), inport( *lpt +2) | 0x10);
outport (0x21, inport(0x21) | 0x80);
outport((*lpt +2), inport( *lpt +2) | 0x10);
outport (0x21, inport(0x21) | 0x80);
5. What are the steps of keyboard writing protocol?
6. Write a TSR program in C that sets the caps lock bit in the keyboard status byte whenever interrupt 8 occurs.